ITX Agency

Your Software Development Journey with Us!
we're a Tech service provider specializing in Software and web Development.

Our Services

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Web Development

Transform your digital identity with ITX Agency's innovative approach to web development. We unlock the full potential of your online presence through captivating designs and seamless user experiences. From visually stunning elements to flawless functionality, our team crafts websites that not only speak volumes but also leave a lasting impression on your audience. Elevate your brand online with ITX Agency – where creativity meets cutting-edge technology.

Christopher Avatar

Software development

Crafting tailored software solutions to precisely fit your unique requirements, ITX Agency employs an agile development process. Our commitment ensures the software we deliver is not only highly scalable and secure but also easily maintainable. Elevate your digital presence with our bespoke software development services, where innovation meets efficiency.

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Unleash the power of your data ecosystem with ITX Agency's Database Management Systems (DBMS) expertise. We go beyond traditional data management, ensuring your digital identity reaches its full potential. From robust database structures to seamless data interactions, we design and develop DBMS solutions that speak volumes about your data strategy.



Java Script / Type Script / React / Angular


Node / Bun

PHP / Go / C# ASP.NET (Core)


Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Hosting

Amazon Web Services

Cloudflare Integration

Works We're Proud Of

Themesberg office


Ogee is a dynamic social media platform sparkling with life through the core interactions of sharing, commenting, and liking posts.

NodeJs, MongoDB, MySQL

Themesberg office


This Drack Documentation Sharing Platform is a revolutionary solution for seamless, anonymous, and hassle-free collaborative document editing.

React, JavaScript (JSX), PostgreSQL

Themesberg office


Neurosketch is an innovative , aiming to revolutionize wireframe design by offering a user-friendly and efficient HTML and CSS code generator.

React, MySQL, ML, Python

Themesberg office


This option emphasizes the platform's accessibility and its focus on both administrative efficiency and student empowerment.

NodeJs, MySQL

Themesberg office


Introducing CODINOC IDE, the revolutionary tool that simplifies C# development with its intuitive user interface and powerful features.

C#, PostgreSQL

Themesberg office

Bit Vault

With Bit Vault, users can securely store their documents, images, videos, and more, while also enjoying seamless sharing capabilities.

Vue.js, NodeJs, CouchDB

About Us

We are ITX Agency

ITX Agency: Unleashing Innovation at the Crossroads of Technology and Creativity. Where culture, design, and technology converge for unparalleled digital experiences.

modern desk

Design with us, Develop Anything.

ITX Agency is your one-stop shop for technological magic. Our seasoned designers, developers, and project managers are your collaborative allies, crafting bespoke databases, software, and websites. Seamlessly join our team, where challenges become victories and your business takes flight

ITX isn't just a tech haven, it's a family. Deeply plugged into the creative and tech communities, we're relentless innovators, always exploring what's next. Work with us and experience the magic of collaboration, where success is a shared joy.

Working experience


Projects Published

13Successful Projects


  • Custom design based on client's branding.
  • Up to 5 pages.
  • Mobile responsiveness.
  • Contact form integration.
  • E-commerce
  • No templates.
  • One revision.

  • Price: LKR 20000 to 30000+
  • All from Basic Package.
  • Up to 10 pages.
  • Enhanced design.
  • Social media integration.
  • Google Analytics setup.
  • 1 month of post-launch updates.
  • One revision.

  • Price: LKR 30000 to 45000+
  • All from Standard Package.
  • Up to 20 pages.
  • E-commerce integration.
  • Advanced SEO setup.
  • Blog or news section.
  • Content management training.
  • One revision.

  • Price: LKR 50000+

Contact Us

Get in touch today

Have a new project in mind? Need help with an ongoing one? Drop us a line about your project needs, we answer same day.


+94 76 874 764 2